Edible Garden

Edible Garden | Dunedin | 2017
• Best Edible Garden
• Silver – Design
A funky Fun and innovative approach to the creation of an accessible Kitchen garden on a steep slope. The use of concrete retaining walls and paths with dramatic curves and level changes creates interesting there dimensional and sculptural space while retaining full and easy movement between garden areas, Ramped access in preference to lots of steps adds to the drama of the design.
Colour plays a linking role and further enhances the sculptural design. This project illustrates how clever manipulation of site and shape can achieve a multitude of users and a delightfully functional kitchen garden. Well-crafted concrete work on an awkward sloping site using asymmetric curvilinear shapes. Cleaver eccentric resolution of changing slopes and reuse of existing concrete and water tank. striking old use of colour; red glasshouse, yellow wall and pots, blue pergola creates a fun lively area. Lovely timber work and particularly liked the integrated garden shed.
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